Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The procrastination begins?

My first post, and already I'm stressing over the pressure of adding to my blog on a regular basis. What kind of neurosis is that? I just want to be able to have a place to share with everyone things that happen in our daily lives. I know I won't be able to keep up with this regularly, but I guess it will be fun to try, and perhaps someone might even read something I write someday!
This is my 2nd day of being officially unemployed (last week didn't count since it was Spring Break and I was in New York visiting family). I feel a lot less stress about time management, but I'm still not getting anything done, really, except setting up a blog site and looking for jobs for Chip on Monster and CareerBuilder. I hope that he can finish his resume tonight so I can get the applications sent out for him. It's more than a full-time job trying to sift through job descriptions and find good fits. I just hope he finds something soon - but that's a stress I don't choose to talk about here right now. I'll definitely post more about it soon.
Sophia is growing so fast! She is more alert and making more controlled movements every day. She really likes watching computer screens and can concentrate for long periods of time on just one toy (even though she has several - we don't like her to be bored!). She weighed 16 lbs, 7 1/2 oz at her 6 mo checkup last week, and was almost 27 in long. She has been fighting a stuffiness for over 2 months so the dr gave her some allergy medicine, which seems to be helping. Because of her difficulties at birth, though, he ordered a chest x-ray to make sure that the gunky sounds he was hearing in her chest didn't indicate any problem with her lungs. I have to take her to the hospital, and they don't take appointments, so I've been procrasting about that, too. Who wants to take a baby to a waiting room without knowing how long they will have to stay? Other than that, though, she is overall very healthy and happy baby. Today she's being a bit noisy (read:whiny), but I think she just wants more attention than Jessica, Sarah, or I can give. Yep, I'm still a homeschooling tutor. School for us should be done by the end of May, but that's another stress. The girls are seriously "senoiritis-ing" on me, and frankly, so am I. I want to give them special days, but they are dragging their heels so much that we just end up plugging away day after day without any special stuff.
Iwill save Sean info for the next time, because Sophie decided it's lunch time...


Gracie said...

Woo Hoo! Welcome to the blog world. Can I link to your site?

btw, i think the knocks against procrastination r severely over-rated. I find it to be a completely helpful motivational tool!
I'll stop again soon.
Blessings to you!

moorejoy said...

Great post Katy! So.... now where's the pictuers of Sophie and her big brother? ;)

SeaSaw Mom said...

yes, please link me - I already linked you! And...to answer both of you, can you help me see how to post pics, gracie? :)

Lana Mae Kamer said...

You took a big step forward today-way to go!When you figure out the pictures, let me know so I can spruce up my blog too!
Lana B.

Unknown said...

As to my job situation, if anybody sees this site who is looking to hire someone, I'm your man. My current job sucks enough that I'll do whatever you want, just remember that for anything illegal the price goes up (but the work gets more fun).