Friday, June 1, 2007

Field Trip...Meijer Gardens

I've heard quite a few metaphors for parenting that relate to gardening (I'm hearing the Fantastisk's song...plant a radish, get a radish, maybe you'll get two...), but I've never heard words of wisdom for taking 24 kindergarteners TO a garden and keeping them all in line...luckily I only had to keep an eye on 2 kindergarteners, 1 baby, and 2 cousins (ages 15 and 10), but they were expecting over 900 students at Meijer Gardens on Thursday, so it was a bit busy!

It's a gorgeous place, even if you run through it at a ridiculous pace and spend an hour at the water areas...but I hope someday I can take a leisurely stroll, read the signs, and actually look at a flower or two, and maybe even take a spin around the statue loop!
Here are some pics of the kids enjoying the gardens:

Oh, did I say "enjoying"? I meant "having a fit because the other kids took the other pathway around..." I love my kid, but I hope he outgrows this fit-throwing thing before he's thirty!

And now that the kids decide to do the same maze thingy he wanted to do, he's happy! Hooray!

below (sorry, I still can't figure out exactly how to format this thing!): KING ME!

I think he's currently sailing in Lake Ontario...whichever one of the Great Lakes that's closest to NY...
Sean in awe of the "big horse" statue.

And of course, the big horse statue...

And just to reassure all you parents out there, I did not lose anyone along the least for more than a few seconds.

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